Wednesday, July 4, 2007

I finally got it

I have finally figured out what has kept me from getting ahead financially, spiritually and emotionally. It was a lightbulb moment and I can see things so clearly now. I finally got it!
My albatross has been my husband! Who would have thought it! He has been the reason my luck has been so bad. He has not contributed on a regular basis to the support and care of our family. I have always been the one to take care of EVERYTHING, and I guess I have been so tired from working double shifts that I couldn't think clearly. BUT, I have finally stopped to take a breath and the lightbulb went on. So bye bye scrub, I'm finally going to get my luck back and possibly my groove. I'm not bitter, I wish him well, I just feel relieved. I'm still broke and in debt but at least I can see clearly.

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